Jul 27, 2009


DEVELOPMENT Jalan Raya Pos face many obstacles, especially in the field of the mountains Priangan ie Megamendung Mount, Mount Masigit, Cadas Prince and swamps around Sembung Karang, Cirebon. Name of Post Road and Daendels and is important because so many workers died due to fatal terrain and heavy disease attack during the road Anjer-Panaroekan. Djoko Marihandono historian explains, the first challenge that must be faced is the path that connects Megamendung and Cisarua Cipanas or now known as Jalan Raya Puncak. Megamendung is not the area around the fork Megamendung Cipayung in the Village which is located about five kilometers from the gateway to the Peak Toll Gadog. By 1904 Dutch map of the property Kartini Collection, Mount Megamendung clearly visible with the altitude of 1880 meters above sea level, located between Tjisaroea and Tjimatjan or Cisarua-Cimacan.

Megamendoeng line is located between Seuseupan-Gadok-Pasirangin-Tjikopo-Tjisaroea-Tjimatjan-Sindanglaja-Tjipanas-Patjet-Tjiherang-Babakan-Tjiandjoer." Mount Megamendoeng estimated as the highest point on the top line of the historian of the National Archives, Mona Lohanda, known as Puncak Pass Events are so monumental painting maestro Raden Saleh Syarif Bustaman (known as Raden Saleh), described the painting with the background Daendels Road Post, the mountains and left hand point marked map: weg richting van den Ober Megamendoeng or direction on the road Megamendoeng. Marie-Louise Van-Horn Ten Nispen any posts in the scientific culture of the Netherlands sent Atase JAM Pieters Paul explains how the Post Road, with easy to widen the road is done with the existing village. However, problems occur when Post Road development is done in the mountains and swamps that cause many workers fell sick and died. Channel Post Road in Canton Priangan for example, must be slit across Mount Megamendung and Mount Masigit (between Bandung and Cianjur) and Cirebon in need across the swamp, so Van Nispen record. Djoko Marihandono add, to build a path-Cianjur Cisarua via Megamendung, originally required 400 workers with wages Java Ringgit silver 10 per person. This amount is part of the 1100 workers who were to build a road from Buitenzorg to Karangsambung (Cirebon). Due to heavy dust, plus more workers from the region of Cirebon Priangan-500 people. Colonel (Zeni) Von Lutzow lead project engineer who accompanied the two to plan where the road is opened, dug or trim. Channel Cisarua-Cianjur in an engineer. Travel notes Walter Kinloch year 1853 in the Rambles in Java and the Straits explains, while across the Post Road across the top Megamendung. We reached the first post about 6 miles from the Bogor in 27 minutes and change horses. Perjalan be next four hours with a horse-drawn carriage to reach the peak Megamendung a high of 4300 feet above sea level. Setiba in Cisarua, the road became very steep, so some buffalo tails help attract horses train, said Kinloch. He added, setiba in the top, the way they continue to decrease and reduced when the height of about 1000 feet, the train tibalah Cipanas. Shorten the development road of the time. Buitenzorg-Batavia can go in five minutes to six hours. Travel Buitenzorg-Megamendung about four half-hour. The existence of a road in the path Megamendung indeed shorten travel time-Tjipanas Batavia. In the 18 century, Marie-Louise Ten-Van Horn explains Nispen, Batavia-Tjipanas trip takes eight hours.

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